Build a Complete Cash Funnel with PLR

How to Build a Complete Cash Funnel Using PLR

When you’re marketing online, you have a couple of options on how you generate money. One is to randomly set up pages and links online where you hope to capture the trust of the reader and make a sale.

The other method is more of a long-term success option – one where you aren’t thinking about a sale the very first time your visitors meet you, but where you are building trust and enjoy a lengthy relationship online with repeat sales.

To achieve this, you use what’s known as a funnel. A funnel is where you use content to introduce your visitor to your work and then they fall into a slippery slope, through a maze of communication meant to create loyalty and close the deal.

Private label rights (PLR) material is a great way to build your cash funnel with ease. You can use it all ‘as is’ or tweak it in any amount to have it represent you online. The best thing to do is weave your own personality into the mix.

Push and Pull Visitors to Your Site Using PLR

Marketers always talk about driving traffic to their site. They often use paid advertisements to get the job done, but you don’t have to go that route if funds are limited. You can use PLR to push visitors or pull them into your site.

Let’s talk about pushing them first. You can use private label rights articles anywhere online that you’re able to post ideas and content – and include a link to any page on your website.

For instance, you can go onto your Facebook Fan Page or other social media pages, and share a portion of your PLR piece and a link back to your site. You might link to:

  • Your contact page – So that people know how to get hold of you for more information.
  • Your opt in page – where people can receive an abbreviated version of the whole PLR item, or something related but different – perhaps introducing a problem that the PLR item will solve.
  • Your About page – Where you can talk about yourself and your expertise in the niche.
  • A blog post, perhaps one that says more about the niche of your PLR piece and introducing the PLR item has a solution in that niche.

Using social media is not the only option, either. You can also use any other free platform, such as article directories that allow PLR (or PLR that you’ve tweaked into a more unique article. This is a must for most article sites.).

Or you might use a portion of your PLR in a press release and submit that online to drive traffic to your site. You can do things like guest blogging, but Google is becoming concerned about this practice, so if you do use this traffic generator, be careful about how you do it.

One more method is to use free advertising sites like classified ads or advertising exchanges.

Pulling visitors to your site is a matter of being consistent with your content creation. Using PLR can cut your time dramatically. You want search engine spiders crawling your site, and part of their formula is checking to see how often you deliver fresh content.

You can use PLR exclusively or mix it up with original content that you create from scratch.  The more you post, the more often spiders come back to index your content. This can help you get ranked in search results pages, which pulls visitors into your content.

You can buy any type of PLR for this purpose – eBooks and reports that you break apart, articles and blog posts, and even email autoresponders that you use for public posts instead of inside emails.

All of this public content is going to be competing with other resellers of your PLR, so out of your funnel, this is the most important part for you to edit. You can do simple tweaks like alter the title, and lightly change the wording – or you can do a complete overhaul and rewrite it line by line, using the PLR as a springboard only. This last method is great as you end up with a totally unique article even if the meaning is identical to the source. You are less likely to get called out for copying.

If you can, change the title and cover – even if you have to get someone of Fiverr to do it for you. Suddenly, you have a totally unique looking item and you’re no longer in competition with those other PLR resellers.

Either way, you shorten your time for the task because the brainstorming, researching, organizing and creation of the content is already done for you.

Tempt Them with a Great Opt-In Offer

Once visitors arrive at your site, you want to introduce them to your opt-in offer and this is the perfect way to shortcut your success by using PLR. With an opt-in offer, the content is not publicly scanned by search engines, so there’s no need to worry about competition.

You simply pick an opt in offer that’s relevant to your niche, from a top-quality PLR store of course, and then add your name and links to it, convert it into a PDF, and upload it as a free gift for your subscribers.

You can use any PLR from 5 pages to any amount. Remember that an opt in offer should show good value – but at the same time, leave enough opportunity open for you to sell something to your audience, too.

If you can’t find any PLR reports fitting the bill, try compiling PLR articles into a report – all it takes is five well-written articles to ensure you have a report worthy of being in an opt in offer.

Go through and edit it for your voice and style if you can. You want to have everything be a reflection of your values and style, but if you’re strapped for time, just use it as is (as long as it’s quality). At the end, include a large graphic and a link to your sales page. This is no time to be subtle.

Turn Them from Prospects to Customers with Convincing Emails

Email autoresponders can help you with the common occurrence where it takes prospects a total of seven times of being exposed to your item for sale to make them pull the trigger on it.

You can use PLR that’s specifically designed to work as email autoresponders, or you can simply buy PLR articles or blog posts and convert them into email autoresponders. You can even break up another, related eBook and use it as snippets from the product you’re selling.

These are teaser emails that are designed to inform and educate the reader (as well as showcase your expertise), but not give everything away. All you need is a 3-10 day autoresponder to convert into sales.

PLR can also work for daily or weekly emails – just to help you stay in touch with your subscribers on a regular basis. You can grab a high-quality PLR pack of 52 articles and queue up one per week for a whole year!

Just make sure that if you promote something within your emails, you keep tabs on whether or not it’s active. Sometimes a product seller will take their product down and you won’t know it – so you’ll be sending subscribers to a down page. This is a good time to use a redirect link that you can edit – something like Pretty Links plugin if you have a WordPress blog on your own domain or which allows you to edit the links that you create. If a product does disappear, you just change the redirect link to go somewhere else and you still have a chance to make a sale.

Deliver Your Subscribers to the Cash Funnel Page

Your emails and other content should deliver your visitors and subscribers to the sales pages you’ve set up to generate cash for you. You can use a PLR eBook as the item you’re selling to the public, usually without passing along the PLR rights to others.

This also doesn’t have to be edited heavily because it’s a downloadable product for your customers, and not something public for the search engine spiders. Sometimes you can find PLR eBooks that come with a sales copy letter in PLR form.

Now this would need to be tweaked. It’s easy to do, rearranging headings and benefits. Go through line by line and see how much you can alter on it – saying the same thing, but in a slightly different way.

This also means taking the editable contact out of the zip file bundle – like txt and doc files and just leaving the PDF and video files.

One way you can change things up is to create a bonus section where your bonuses are something unique because you’re using a report you created or a PLR report you got that was separate from the original PLR pack. A great idea at this point is to add your own PDF file of resources, with your affiliate links, of course.

You should then add the text for that bonus to our sales page that no one else will have that on theirs. Just make sure the sales copy reflects any changes you may make to the PLR eBook if you go in heavily editing it.

Rack Up Repeat Sales with Follow Up Content

One sale is great! But your real money is made when you turn a paying customer into a loyal repeat customer. To do this using PLR, you’ll need to work out a few details. The first thing you need to do is space the next introduction of a product for sale nicely.

Every niche will be different – so test your audience to see when they’re most likely to make a second purchase with you. It might be a month, a week – or even the very next day!

The next thing you need to do is find other products to promote to them. The best way to go about this is to buy other good products from the same service provider. This way, you maintain the voice and quality within the sales funnel.

But even if you can’t find something there, you can promote other products to them that you bought from other PLR providers or wrote yourself!

Make sure the content is relevant – and that it complements the original purchase nicely. For instance, if you sold a diet plan eBook the first time around, sell them an exercise course the next time.

If you’re in the Internet Marketing niche, you could promote one item, such as a blogging course, and then promote things like:

  • A video marketing course
  • A podcast course
  • A freelance course
  • An affiliate marketing course…and so on.

If you want unique items, but want to pay less than what a ghostwriter charges, try finding a ghostwriter who charges a lot less if you have them simply rewrite existing content in new words.

Buy a good PLR funnel – the whole package with articles, emails, reports, and more – and have them create a unique voice for your niche leadership needs. This will free up a lot of your time and allow you to work on more pressing matters!

Here’s a useful source of PLR that you can join for free –






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